
it's late and i don't have a lot to say.... so i am going to ramble on until i want a cigarette.

well, i am sitting here, on my boyfriend's computer, and i just got done watching episodes 1-6 and episode 25 of Naruto: Shippuden. Let me tell you, it is the shit! i'm just wondering if the opening sequence in the first episode is a dream sequence or not, cause it shows Naruto, Sakura, and someone that i am not familar with, looking through ancient ruins for Sasuke. They find him, and then Naruto yells at him, and Sasuke comes down and pulls a sword to kill Naruto, then it cuts to Naruto talking to Kyuuki (at least, that's how i think his name is spelled. Kinda tired right now, so we'll see.) and Sasuke shows up in Naruto's mind. Then it goes to the Village of Sand, and nothing more is mentioned about Sasuke; as a matter of fact, from what it sounds like so far, the two of them (Naruto and Sakura) haven't even been looking for him yet. Sakura's the new Hokage's little bitch, and Naruto has been training for two years with the pervy sage.
wow, i think i have been using some very bad grammar in that paragraph. Oh well. And in other news, the reason I have been watching all of this awesome stuff is that my boy has gotten a new link driver.... uh..... is there such a thing as a link driver? no? DILLIGAF? No? then fuck it. A link driver it has just become. ANYWAY, it is called..... VeohTV. Sponsored by Verizon Wireless. It is really cool. and yeah.
i'm tired. and i think i don't like the new keyboard that my boy bought. errrrgh.


Bored and on the Net

yeah. so here i am. i just got done setting up my new myspace (check it out) and now i'm doing little quizzes on Blogthings. that's how bored i am. most of them i'm not even going to put on my blogger.


my new vox blog

Yeah. I got a new blogsite again.
I found Vox through (believe it or not) Google Images. Yeah. Interesting, I know. But I did. I was looking for pics of RuroKen, and I went to a site, and it just happened to be at vox. Funny, ain't it?
Well, anyway, I really like it because you can download all kinds of cool shit onto it. I mean, I still like this one because it focuses on the actual blog and shit, but I really like Vox too. So yeah. I grabbed it. Now I am uploading music off of my friend's computer (most of it I gave him anyway, so yeah...)
Well, I type on it too. I was wasted last night, and vox was the only site that I could access in that condition, because it didn't really require any real thinking or nothing like that.
hehe. anyway, I could only get out like two sentences because I got bored and the world was spinning around me and I couldn't watch the computer screen. It was swimming.
Vodka is not good for anyone's sanity.
But who's saying I have any in the first place, right?
So, in all essence, vodka is good for me, cause I do not have any sanity to speak of, so it can't do me any harm, right? But, hell. I didn't even wake up with a hangover or nothing! It kinda sucked a little. But only in that sense that I didn't get a hangover. You know what they always say about the morning after. If you are not in pain or regretting what you did the night before, then you did not have enough fun.
I went to a bachelorettes party last night. that was fun.
then i went yard-sale-ing and got a set of encylopedias for free. Now, for most people that would not be the most awesome thing since the wheel, but for me.... yeah. i like encyclopedias. I need them. so it's a win win situation.
I also got my nails done friday. same god damned day. Fun times. I like them so much i think i am going to keep them. I can even type with them. Damn, i think I type better with them on than without them. Yay me.
Well, I got to get to my other blogs, so knock yourselves out there, kiddies, and don't do what I would do for shits and giggles. I once put a riding lawn mower into a tree. and I have set my brother on fire too. Now, THAT was fun!\
Love and Peace,
Morgan Flint


Yeah, I know.... Long time no talk

Ok. it has been quite a while since I have last typed. Let's see..... what's going on.
Still working at PnS.
Still working on getting a license and a car.
Wanting another tattoo.
Going to be in a wedding on the ninth of June. I'm getting my nails done on Friday. It's gonna cost me about 50 bucks. So I'm getting all decked.
The dress itself is costing around 200 dollars. which sucks ass, but it's very nice looking. i like it a little. i dont really wear dresses, and this is a DRESS.
Ok, so anyway, I am sitting here listening to HGTV. My friend Lindsey likes the channel. I dont. but it's her house. i dont care either way, honestly. it's background noise. Rather have music myself.
i just opened up another blog, and i think im deleting my vampirefreaks for now.
ok. done now.



Im watching Episode 54 of Rurouni Kenshin and OHMYFREAKINGGOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!! It is more intense than the manga! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! even though i already know what's gonna happen. Ken-san beats Sojiro, but still...... HELLLLLLLOOOO. That Shukuchi....... eep. Intense! Sojiro even evaded the Kuzu Ryu Sen! And then attacked and hit Ken-san in the back! NOONE hits Kenshin in the back! It just DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!!!!!!
god, ken-san actually looked afraid! WHAAAAAAA!
then the freaking cuts to a memory thing about Senkaku. iggers.
anyway, back to the waiting game with the buffering. i hate buffering. it sucks......


New Site Me Found !!!!!!

I FOUND NEW SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love it so much. if you love vampires or are one, go to it! become a member! say that MorganFlintVC refered you! Yayhoo!


me again. yay.

so yeah, anyway, i'm listening to one of my favorite songs of all time. One, By Metallica. Means alot to me. Yeah not much happening. Got to go see Combichrist in concert. AWESOME!!!!! i love them. the live show was amazing, to say the least. unfortuately, i could not get any pics. too bad. but that's okay. there was a big ass fight, over what, i dont know, but a chick was kicking the shit out of a guy. don't ask me why, i haven't the slightest. So yeah that was fun. but since then, my life has been kinda lame. Just working and playing dungeons and dragons. that's fun. never thought that i'd be playing that, but i am now. I have a Level 2 character (Arlaine), who is a half-elven ranger, and a Level 13 monk. yeah. okay. me getting tired. so goodnight.

Just Some Random Shit Flinging

I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist I'm not a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit - The Fight Song, Marilyn Manson Live Large - The Executioner Grab life by the horns... and fuck it up the ass! All action should culminate in wisdom. - Zen saying